<aside> đŸ’¡ We see ourselves as a team of doers, and this is the team taking our product, values and mission forward, towards achieving traction. We are expecting to grow even more in the Portuguese market, and only then go for the biggest music stages in Europe, the English and French markets


Pedro Telhado

Co-founder & CEO Pedro has a financial background from banking and a bootstrapped startup, but most importantly, a big fan of music.

"I exist to build simple solutions that solve complicated problems. I consider myself as a creative and innovative person with a management and business-driven perspective, alongside a passion for sustainable development and an engineering mindset regarding different industries, things and ideas."

André Dias

Co-founder & CTO André is a software engineer with 17 years of experience, and extensive also with a previous startup within the accounting ecosystem.

"I have been an IT Consultant and Entrepreneur for 17 years. I have developed experience in the analysis, validation and development of architectures for scalable support of online businesses. I have a special interest in the application of lean innovation technologies and methodologies focused on disrupting traditional business models."